Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dead 300V Power Supply

Not too long ago, I inherited a multimeter from my father-in-law.  This was because he hadn't used it in years and also as payment for fixing his desktop computer by replacing the power supply.  I can't take full credit for the repair, because I got the new power supply from a family friend.  Installing it was easy, but getting parts can be the challenge.  As I have come to learn at my job.

Not being one to throw something away without it completely served its purpose, I took the dead power supply home with the intention to take it apart and figure out what makes it tick.

I'm like Sylar, only really lazy. 

This dead device sat in a bag and was moved around a few times up until tonight, when I finally pulled it out, got a screwdriver, and sized it up.

First and foremost, there was a LOT of dust.  Like a dust bunny warren amount of dust.  Aside from that respitory hazard, I couldn't tell what was fried and what needed replacing.

Off to Eco Station!